Friday, September 13, 2019

Article 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

2 - Article Example Customers of the counterfeits often use them as trial versions of the real brands and nearly half of them actually endorse the real brand after the trial version is successful. Meanwhile, people wearing the product of the counterfeits ignite a spark in the public to endorse the real brand, which makes it free advertising for the real brand. Numerous studies to date have found positive effects of copying on the real brands. Most studies have found the advertising effect stronger than the substitution effect irrespective of whether it is a formal brand or an individual creator benefiting from the counterfeit. The rule applies in all industries ranging from garments to the hotel and hospitality industry. Paradoxically, a copy is a more sincere advertisement of the real brand as compared to the conventional advertisement because conventional ads derive their appeal to the audiences from the charisma and halo effect of the celebrity in the ad whereas a copy focuses only the

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